Nowadays, cell phones literally have everything on them. Therefore, they are basically like mini-computers that we can stick in our pockets. They really are glorious technological devices in every sense of the word.

    Accessing Emails on Mobile is one of the features that available in smartphone. Email on mobile has become the most common tool to stay connected with information and resources. On one hand where it is an easy source to share information with friends, colleagues and near & dear ones, at the same time it is evenly beneficial for the mobile professionals. Mobile-emails help the mobile professionals to remain connected with their employers, suppliers, customers and other resources at all times.     

Here are the benefits of having your Work Email on Your Phone:

a) can always stay connected with work.

b) can get notifications rather than having to sign in.

c) can essentially work anywhere and any time.

Always stay connected with work 

By having e-mail on cell phone, we can always stay connected with work. This is perfect for the traveler or a person who works in a profession that requires him/her to leave the office frequently. If your job requires you to respond to emails early and often, then having your work email on your phone might be a requirement. 

Get notifications rather than having to sign in 

Sure, we don’t have to download the Gmail app or sync email services to our phone, but if we do have to stay connected with work 24/7, then we are going to have to sign in over and over again. This can get rather annoying if we are having to log into mobile website after mobile website.

Of course, you can take the easy route by setting up notifications instead, which can easily be achieved if you download an email app on your phone. From there, you set up notifications/alerts, and then you will be notified/alerted every single time you get an email. This is way less stressful than logging into a website over and over again.

Essentially work anywhere and anytime 

More and more people are starting to work remote. Now that people can stay connected with their work at all times of the day — and from anywhere, remote jobs are becoming more and more common. Thanks to simple concepts such as having your email accounts on your phone, you can essentially work anywhere in the country/world — and at any time